Iron Man: Armored Adventures Wiki

The Melter

The Melter is the guardian of the sixth Makluan Ring.


Mandarin locating the Temple

The only clue to whatever the test of virtue would be."Exchange"

In The Invincible Iron Man Part 2: Reborn, when Gene Khan and Howard Stark find the sixth temple, after a short time, Gene defeats the Melter and takes the sixth Makluan ring for himself.


The Melter's powers were never shown, but it is assumed that it can melt things with a touch, like it tried to do to Howard Stark before Gene Khan stopped it.


  • While nothing is officially known about this monster, there is a Marvel Comics supervillain known as Bruno Horgan, aka Melter, who invented a weapon capable of projecting a beam that could destabilize the cohesion of the molecules for anyone or anything, thereby causing them to literally melt.
  • The character Mandarin highlights with the spotlight to find the sixth temple is 兌, which translates in traditional Chinese as "Exchange".