The Melter
The Melter is the guardian of the sixth Makluan Ring.

The only clue to whatever the test of virtue would be."Exchange"
In The Invincible Iron Man Part 2: Reborn, when Gene Khan and Howard Stark find the sixth temple, after a short time, Gene defeats the Melter and takes the sixth Makluan ring for himself.
The Melter's powers were never shown, but it is assumed that it can melt things with a touch, like it tried to do to Howard Stark before Gene Khan stopped it.
- While nothing is officially known about this monster, there is a Marvel Comics supervillain known as Bruno Horgan, aka Melter, who invented a weapon capable of projecting a beam that could destabilize the cohesion of the molecules for anyone or anything, thereby causing them to literally melt.
- The character Mandarin highlights with the spotlight to find the sixth temple is 兌, which translates in traditional Chinese as "Exchange".