The Hyperpulse Mark IX Armor or simply the Iron Man 2099 Armor is a futuristic energy armor created and worn by Andros Stark, who took the name Iron Man after his grandfather's hero name. It is run by an operational system A.I. called J.A.R.V.I.S.
- Superhuman Strength: It enhances Andros's strength immensely. He can lift extreme weights with no strain, like holding up a helicopter, without much effort. The armor is just as strong as the Mark 2 armor, theoretically even more powerful.
- Superhuman Speed: He's capable of moving at blinding speeds and reacting much faster than normal human beings.
- Superhuman Durability: The armor can take an extreme amount of damage without being scratched at all. The armor plating is enhanced with an energy field that weakens, vaporizes, or dissipates any weapon or attack that tries to strike him. It can easily withstand bullets and the most advanced weapons of the present day with little difficulty.
- Flight: The armor has propulsion systems in the boots that enable him to fly through the air at incredible speeds.
- Repulsor Gauntlets: The Hyperpulse Mark 9 is equipped with repulsors in the gloves. His gauntlets have the following abilities:
- Ultra-Pulsors: His version of Iron Man's repulsors is a lot more advanced, stronger, and more destructive than the present ones.
- Energy Manipulation: His Ultra-Repulsors can create spheres of energy that can be separated into a few clusters of energy balls to attack and kill his opponents or even incapacitate their targets by knocking them unconscious for about 3 minutes. The armor can control the projectile's path, allowing for advanced crowd control and targeting.
- Force Field: He can generate a force field out of his own hands and the body of the armor.
- Recorder Hard-Light Holograms: The suit can generate holographic videos and hard-light holographic pictures through the gauntlets. For example, Andros shows Tony a hard-light hologram recording of his father and Dr. Yinsen talking and Hammer a newspaper hologram of him being the President three times in a row.
- Ultra-Beam: The version of the Unibeam is much stronger than the 21st-century Iron Man. Just one burst can severely cripple the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. It can also destroy many S.H.I.E.L.D. flying vehicles in one burst and could completely vaporize the Mark II armor and its wearer.
- Teleportation: The armor is designed with Warp Cells, allowing Andros and others to teleport over a varying range of distances to any place on Earth.
- Time Travel: The armor is designed with a time machine, allowing Andros to travel back in time. His armor can also scan timelines for any changes that occur within them. However, continuous use will overload the equipment and render it useless.
- Sensor Systems: When he was looking for Tony, he used scanning to find him on the ground. His sensors can even anticipate his enemies' next moves even before they can execute them. His armor can also scan timelines for any changes that occur within them.