The Crimson Dynamo Armor is a large armor designed for space travel by Project Pegasus.
Crimson Dynamo I[]
Crimson Dynamo I
- Enhanced Strength: It has enough strength to effortlessly lift an oil tanker truck with one hand. The enhanced strength of Iron Man is no match compared to the Crimson Dynamo.
- Jet Propulsion: The armor has a jet on the back of the suit. It provides navigation in space and can be used for propulsion in an atmosphere.
- Blow Torch: Used for various purposes. Most likely, it is used if repairs are needed to the space station.
- Laser: For some reason, the space suit has this one offensive weapon. Possibly used to destroy objects in space that threaten the Crimson Dynamo.
- Life Support Mechanisms: The suit has a slow-drip chemical IV and other solar-powered devices. This allows the pilot to survive for years.
- Holographic Projector: Users can upload an image to project to them. Ivan chose to view an image of his wife and son.
Crimson Dynamo II[]
Crimson Dynamo II
- Enhanced Strength: It has enhanced strength that is superior to that of Iron Man.
- Lasers: It has laser cannons in the arms and on both sides of the torso.
- Missile Launcher: The armor has missile launchers on its torso.
- Electric Projector: On the center top of the armor, there is a projector that can emit shocking electric beams.
Crimson Dynamo 3.0[]
It's fully automated armor that doesn't require a pilot.
- Enhanced Durability:
- Enhanced Strength:
- Lasers:
- Rocket Launcher: