Shadow-Jet01 · 7/26/2022
My ideas for Season 4 and Season 5 also a Crossover tv series films
1. Web-Slinger Hero
2. Red Skull
3. Iron Man 2099 returns
4. Wakanda Wars Part 1 - The Beginning
5. Wakanda Wars Part 2 - The Middle
6. Wakanda Wars Part 3 - The End
7. Guardsmen Strike Back
8. X-Factor situation Part 1 - Team Iron Man helo Team X-Men
9. X-Factor situation Part 2
10. Moon Knight - 1st appearance
11. New Artificial intelligence - Tony creates Vision
12. Energy Crisis Part 1
13. Energy Crisis Part 2
14. Energy Crisis Part 3
15. Energy Crisis Part 4
16. Energy Crisis Part 5
17. The Mainframe: Round 3
18. Tony Goes to College
19. Black Panther Vs Moon Knight
20. Doctor Strange
21. Doom's Revenge - Doctor Doom returns
22. Ms. Marvel
23. Hero's Endgame Part 1
24. Hero's Endgame Part 2
25. Hero's Endgame Part 3
Season 5 - The Universe (The Multiverse is Real)
1. New World Order - Tony discover that there's a new world
2. Lies
3. Truth
4 New Hero Mutant
5. Slip Down Memory Lane
6. Operation: Save the Rhodes
7. Captain Marvel
8. Cloak And Dagger Part 1
9. Cloak And Dagger Part 2
10. The Guide
11. In Harm’s Way
12. Tony Alone
13. Remembrance
14. The Battle in NYC
15. The Ghosts Gambit
16. Old Wounds
17. The Extremis Virus
18. When Extreme Meet
19. Tony of Two Worlds
20. Hulk’s Warfare
21. The People Vs Howard Stark
22. The Final Fight Part 1 - Galactus is Coming
23. The Final Fight Part 2 - Preparing for Galactus
24. The Final Fight Part 3 - Galactus is here
25. The Final Fight Part 4 - All Heroes Vs Galactus
26. The Final Fight Part 5 - AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!
And I also have an ideas for a Iron Man: Armored Adventures / Ultimate Spider-Man TV series film Crossover